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KABOOM ! ! ! Highlight Update :)

What's for today?

Current mood: Everyday's a shock, every night's a shock...

Something Productive: Updated my playlist with some 2010 fresh comebacks of our beloved k-pop idol's :)

New: Strong Heart ( Remix ) ShortFIC & JB fanfic feat. U-know

Monday, January 18, 2010

Strong Heart Part 2 ( Remix )

( Everyone started sharing their individual stories and it came up to a point where someone from the set talked about her personal relationship. A relationship of an actor/actress/idol's and how hard it was back then to have someone who worked at the same industry with you. The pain of having to keep it, so you can keep your job as well. It was sad and painful to hear and watch the person talking, because it is the truth. A fact that everyone in this industry knows about. Even Hwang Bo's heart started pounding even faster than usual. Not because she felt that she was about to have an anxiety attack, but rather she felt and knew the other person's feeling. She felt that connection to the person who was talking. She felt it deeply that she wanted to share her own thoughts too, very eager that she couldn't hold herself to stay put and shut her mouth. She wanted to console her and tell her that she isn't alone on this matter. But how? She's being strictly instructed not to mention anything. Even a word that would trigger the topic of her and hj. Would she be able to speak out? )

HB: Actually, I too have witnessed something like this... It was right before my eyes if you could say.

( Everyone became shocked and for most of them they were really curious. Specially the manager who is cringing on the side watching the whole thing happening. )

Manager: Omo.. Omo... Otokie?

(HB was hesitating if she should continue what she started. But she had no way out of it now. Everyone was looking at her directly, very focused that not a single strand of hair can escape from the people eyes around her. All were very anxious and waiting impatiently for her story. Most importantly the two boys were there and that didn't help her at all. She was blaming her auto respond, but then again it was auto, so nothing can be helped in that situation either. It was simply just like in a situation when someone says "Hi" to you, then you automatically say "hello" without thinking it thru and process it even longer to counter and stop that.)

HB: Uhmm, it was a story of one of my friend in the industry. I wont tell you guys the name, coz I rather want her privacy to remain hidden and safe where it should be. But yes, it is very painful to watch. They weren't allowed to see each other as much as they wanted too. Can't even look at each other face to face and have a talk freely. Only thing they could do is stare at each other thru mirrors and when they walk by pass each other. I too, honestly hated the idea of being restricted. We aren't robots to begin with and we're simply human who love and wants to be loved back. It's upsetting and hurtful indeed to witness it, but at that time... I was in no power to do anything for the both of them. We all needed our job and because of that, I didn't do anything. But still it didn't escape the fact that it did hurt to watch the both of them being in that situation, so I was thinking how much more the both them? How much pain could they have been feeling inside? From then on I promised myself not to be in that kind of position, because in anyway.. reality os still what counts and probably our reality would just bring pain for me and for that other person too.

(Everyone got all teary, coz they all know it's the truth. They all don't have to experience it to know and understand the situation. Having to pick this industry, it wasn't easy for all of them. They all know how hard it can be sometimes and how many rules were being demanded and a must for everyone to follow. This line of work has it's luxurious and cruel side, and if want to be in this kind of work style then you must have to accept this facts. The show ended with an emotional closing ends. Everyone couldn't have forget todays episode, since pretty much everyone shared alot of their personal stories, it didn't matter if it was in or outside work. It was finally time for everyone to go home and some of them stayed to chat, coz they didn't have any other schedule for the rest of the day. The boys said their goodbyes to HB before they head out to meet their van who's been waiting for them. HB hugged KJ first then right on to YS. Before KJ took a step into the van, he waved back again to HB and baby who was inside the van suddenly stuck his head out to say his playful greeting to HB. That made her smile, the maknae of the group was once being spoiled in her hands too. But one thing for sure her eyes didn't escape.. it was HJ, who happened to be sitting right next baby. It was pretty impossible for her not to noticed him, since both of their eyes meet for a couple of quick seconds and then she looked away.)

JM: We came here a little early and you couldn't even say "Hi" to her?

HJ: Who said we came here to say "Hi" to anyone? We came here to pick up these two, who happens to be lagging so much.

KJ: We can't just be all rude and not say bye to everyone. We were late earlier, remember?

YS: Yup, coz the makane has to take a dump first, when he knew all along that we had a schedule.

HJB: Hey hey, it was a call of nature. You can't prevent nor predict that from coming.

HJ: I bet you need to take a leak, when we get there.

HJB: Hehehehe~~ I actually do need to take a leak when we get there. How far are we? I need to go~~~~

HJ was spacing out a bit. Recalling HB and his gazed meeting earlier.

HJ: Buin hasn't changed at all. She still beautiful as ever. Even cuter, when she actually starts blushing. Was she blushing, coz she saw me? Nah, that cant be. She hates me to her guts.

YS: Yo!

HJ: ( distracted ) Oh yeah? what's up?

YS: Uh! we're here?

HJ: Oh!

JM: Dude, calm down. You cna pee now.

HJB: (excuse me 3x) I can't hold it anymore.. I really need to pee now. ( Excuse Me, sorry3x ) Ahhh, my bladder is about to blow up.

YS: Hey Joongie~~

HJ: Uhmm

YS: Something interesting for you to watch the next week episode of strong heart

HJ: Why? did someone shared something funny?

( KJ jumpe into the conversation. )

KJ: Oh it is really really interesting hyung. ( Smile )

( Both YS and KJ went inside first while having that big teasing smile on their faces. )

JM: Ya~~ are you both crazy? laughing for no reason?

KJ: Why are you so in a bad mood?

YS: Baby made him wait~ remember?

KJ: Oh yeah~~ hahaha

(HJ remained outside thinking again. He seems to be spacing out a lot these days.)

HJ: They really didn't have to tell me to watch it. I was going to watch it anyways from the start.

HJB: Oh hyung, why are you here and not inside? Waiting for me? You didn't have too.

HJ: Yeah, I was afraid that you might get lost.

HJB: How sweet of you.

HJ: Hey hey, no touch. Did you wash your hands?

HJB: Of course I did. let's go inside~


  1. Twacy... love the conversation between SS501 boys. They crack me up!
    Thank you for making my face hurt! :)


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