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KABOOM ! ! ! Highlight Update :)

What's for today?

Current mood: Everyday's a shock, every night's a shock...

Something Productive: Updated my playlist with some 2010 fresh comebacks of our beloved k-pop idol's :)

New: Strong Heart ( Remix ) ShortFIC & JB fanfic feat. U-know

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Strong Heart Part 1 ( Remix )

It was that same day, when both Hwang Bo and Hyun Joong was supposedly have to appear together in a variety show called Strong Heart. One of them opposed to this arrangement and there was nothing that can be done to force the person to come out right at the same time with the other one. Maybe it could be better this way, them avoiding seeing each other for some time being.

Hwang Bo arrived at the studio a little early, she was scanning the place hoping to see the person she wanted and didn't want to see. She spoke to herself softly that even a fly can't hear a thing from what she was talking about.

HB: Why in the world would I be looking for someone who doesn't even wanna be in the same place than I do? Well, maybe I wasn't expecting him to turn down the offer. Ahhh, can he be less immature than this?

Hwang Bo's manager suddenly interrupted her thoughts and told her the things she need to do, like the seating chart and the things she shouldn't be talking about.

Hwang Bo: I know.. I know.. I shouldn't mention his name in anyway and avoid as much to bring the WGM topic.

Manager: ( Sight ) I'm sorry Hwang Bo-shi, but this is for your own good.

Hwang Bo: I know, you don't have to remind me all the time.

Manager: I feel like I have too, everytime I see your lonely sad face.

Hwang Bo: I'm just tired.

Manager: I guess, if you really wanna put it that way.

Hwang Bo: I said I'm fine, you don't have to worry about anything.

Manager: How long has---

Hwang Bo: Please~~

Manager: Araso!

The show will be airing soon and Hwang Bo chatted to a few of the people who will be on the same show with her. She didn't spot the two other SS501 members. She somehow felt worried, wanting and eager to know what's going on and why hasn't the two membere arrived in the setting yet.

Jong Ri: Yaaa~~ your like a giraffe. Your neck keeps turning and scanning the place.

HB: Where are the boys?

Jong Ri: Who?

HB: Kyu Jong-shi and Saengie

Jong Ri: I heard they're running late.

HB: Oh chincharo?

Jong Ri: Waeyo? are you waiting for someone that might come with them?

HB: Eh?

Jong Ri: Come on Hwangbo-shi~~ I might be a comedian, but serious things I can be serious too. Spell it out sister.

HB: I don't know what your talking about.

Jong Ri: There are rumours and we comedian like to gossip them all. Better tell me now, or I might open it up later.

HB: Go ahead~~

Jong Ri: I'm just kidding~~ but if you don't want to share it right now.. I completely understand your privacy. But if you do decide to talk about it openly, then don't forget to call me. I'm one of you guys fan.

HB: Hahahaha~~ unnie, you never fail to make me LAUGH!

Jong Ri: Oh it is my only my JOB!

The show started and the boys were late indeed, but was able to catch up with the show. Hwang Bo gave the two boys a welcoming smile and they too responded respectfully to their noona. Both also greeted everyone and apologized for being so late.

Jong Ri: Why so late? did you guys know someone was waiting impatiently for you guys?

Everyone was curious and eyed Jong Ri the moment she finished her statement.

MC Kang Dong: Who would that be? care to reveal it?

Jong Ri: She's in here. She's very beautiful and just everything or everyone would want.

MC Kang Don: Stop the thrillers and reveal it already.

Jong Ri: Naega Naega Naega!!!

that revelation exploded everyone to LAUGHTER, while Hwang Bo on the other hand was having almost an anxiety attack, but ended up bursting out laughing at the end, together with everyone. Jong Ri almost got Hwang Bo right there, but she kept it low key in any way.

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