Let's hear the MUSIC :)

KABOOM ! ! ! Highlight Update :)

What's for today?

Current mood: Everyday's a shock, every night's a shock...

Something Productive: Updated my playlist with some 2010 fresh comebacks of our beloved k-pop idol's :)

New: Strong Heart ( Remix ) ShortFIC & JB fanfic feat. U-know

Monday, July 27, 2009

Chapter 5

Scene: HJ vs Young Master

YS: That's what you get for being a mean person~~~

( HJ hit's YS with a towel that he was holding. )

YS: Moya~~

( HJ wets the towel and started hitting YS again. )

YS: HJ-ah~~ Stop it~~ I just ate.. I can't run.

HJ: You guys keep eating, while we're all behind with our MV. Everyone let's go~~ We need to make this MV the best one we ever made. Pali~~ Pali~~

HJB: Hyung, we just got done eating.. We can't just go ahead and start dancing.

JM: ( Wipes Maknae's face...baby got sauce all over his face.) Yup, baby is right... Do you want us to get appendicitis?

HJB: Moya~~

JM: Duh, isn‘t it obvious I‘m whipping your dirty face?

HJB: Stop it, I can do it myself.. I’m not a baby anymore.

JM: Maybe next time. Mr. I’m not a baby anymore.. Should start learning how to eat with his mouth, instead of his nose.

HJB: Aissssh~~~

( With the two members arguing… HJ left to take a good deep breath in the roof top of the building. But on the way over there.. He passed by the table, were the foods are placed… HJ’s stomach started growling upon looking at the feast in front of him. There was still something left, since he didn’t eat with them.. He grab some secretly and took the food with him to the roof top. )

Scene: @ the roof top

HJ: At last peace and quite ( took a big bite of the food ) Hmmm, this is really good.. Who knew that witch knows how to COOK.

HB: If that witch your saying is referring me? Then I would like to take that food back.

HJ got startle upon hearing the voice. All this time, he thought he was alone up there.. and that place was sort off his breathing area… A place where he can find peace and quite… not worrying about anything.

HJ: How did you get here?

HB: Duh! Using my broomstick of course.

HJ: HA HA! Funny~~~ if your trying to be a comedian.. You still got a long way to go.

HB: I wasn’t trying to be funny… I was being SARCASTIC, maybe sarcasm only works for you when your saying it and not when it’s being told towards you.

HJ: Again, if you were auditioning right now? And if I were one of the judges? I would have said NEXT in an instants.

HB: Yaaaa~~~ why don’t you just eat.

HJ: Why don’t you just stop stalking me.

HB: Huh? don’t you realize.. That stalking you is partly my JOB? I do have to know your daily LIFE SCHEDULE, if you haven’t noticed… I am your personal assistant.

HJ: Oh great, I have a new stalking assistant

HB: Aigoo~~~ How in the world did my cousin ever get along with you.

HJ: We got along, because she wasn’t like you… and most definitely unnie wasn’t a WITCH.

HB: Ugggggghh, I’m leaving…. The more I talk to a crazy person, the bigger chances of me getting infected.

HJ: Annyeong~~

HB left the roof top with head over heels frustration, she couldn’t win against him..

HJ: Hahaha, she actually looks cute when she get frustrated and mad. ( thinking.. ) Like a TOMATO!

Note: What the heck is he thinking now? TOMATO? ROFL~~~ Maybe, because unnie was mad and her blood was raising. Turned her face all red and looking like a tomato? He calls her WITCH now TOMATO? What’s next?

Scene: HJ almost got caught

HJB: Where did the food go? I knew there was still some, before we started practicing.

HJ: I didn't eat it..

HJB: But I never said you did...

HJ: But you were looking at me

HJB: No I wasn't...

HB: Mianhe, jun-gie... I gave some to the driver. I thought you guys were full and done eating already.

HJB: Aniya, it's ok noona. I was just asking~~

( HB passed by HJ and whispered... you owe me one buddy... )

HJ: Owe you what? I didn't even asked you to saved me at that spot...

HB: We both know.. that you ate it.. I even saw you with my two eyes. I just saved your PRIDE today, so you better treat me nicely thru out the remaining day.

HJ: Aisssh, sincha.. whatever~

Note: Hahaha, they can't be CLOSE together... but they have too, because of WORK! THEIR like tom and jerry~~~

Scene: HB @ home

HB: Umma, I’m home~~

HB’s mom: Oh dear, how was work?

HB: Exhausted~~~ ( kissed her mom on the cheek and sat right next to her while watching TV )

HB’s mom: Ohh poor baby~~~ if you tell umma about your JOB.. Then I might able to ease your exhaustion.

HB: Hahaha, nice try mom..

( Both were talking, and suddenly the commercial came on… and HJ was on it… )

HB: Uggghh~~~ Can I have a break? His everywhere….. Even in my own house… I keep seeing him!

HB mom: I think your going crazy…

HB: Yes mom, I think I’m close to losing my mind… dealing with him..

HB mom: Who is him? A new BOYFRIEND? Who… Who… Who? How come I didn’t know about this new boyfriend of yours?

HB: I don’t have a new BOYFRIEND… I can’t even have time to think about boys, coz I’m so trap up in the idol worlds LIFE!

HB mom: I did not understand a single word, that you just told me right now.

HB: It’s better that you didn’t mom.. Trust me, or else you’ll be getting headaches like what I’m having right now.

HB mom: If that’s the case, then I’ll pass on that… Getting OLD, headaches are something I can’t handle good quite good anymore. Ha hay, must be good to be young.

HB: I’ll go ahead and changed mom.. I’ll be back down so we can eat dinner already.

HB mom: I ate already…

HB: You didn’t even wait for me?

HB mom: My show is about to start, so I ate already…. ( Smiling @ her )

HB: Sincha? Your picking TV over your only daughter now?

HB mom: Stop with your drama, and go change.. So you can eat.. I’ll set the table for you..

HB: Aniya~~ it’s fine.. I’ll do it myself, just concentrate on your BELOVED TV SHOWS.

HB mom: Aigoo~~ Stop being a BABY! Your old already.

HB: I wasn’t even acting like a baby ( Somehow, my mom just reminded me of that one GUY! ) Nooooo~~~~

HB mom: What?

HB: Nothing~~

HB mom: Something is weird about you… Are you sure that JOB of yours is LEGAL?

HB: Yes mom. Anyways, I’m going up now.

HB mom: OK, the food is in the FRIDGE. Just heat them up..

HB: Ye, araso.

to be continued....

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