Let's hear the MUSIC :)

KABOOM ! ! ! Highlight Update :)

What's for today?

Current mood: Everyday's a shock, every night's a shock...

Something Productive: Updated my playlist with some 2010 fresh comebacks of our beloved k-pop idol's :)

New: Strong Heart ( Remix ) ShortFIC & JB fanfic feat. U-know

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Chapter 29

Scene: Early Morning

( HB got into CAR and saw JY was playing in the back, right when she turn around her view bumped into YJ who gave her a warm welcome smile. )

HB: Good Morning~~

JY: Annyeongsaeyo~~

HB: Annyeong JY-shi

YJ: Morning unnie, did you had a good rest?

HB: Somewhat, I couldn't really sleep.

YJ: Jetlag?

HB: Yeah, maybe~~ Where are we going?

YJ: At the park, is that okay with you unnie?

HB: Yeah, so JY could play around while we catch up.

At the hotel
Ring Ring Ring...

HJ's brother: HJ-ah~

HJ: Hyung, we just got to the hotel.

HJ's brother: Araso, I'll meet you guys up over there. Just get yourself settled down and we'll all go have lunch together.

HJ: Oh okay, I'll see you guys later on then.

Scene: At the park

YJ: Unnie~~

HB: Kwenchana?

YJ: Eh?

HB: I heard about it and I figured out that's why you wanted to talk to me. Right?

YJ: *Shocked*

HB: Looking at JY & YOU right now. You must have made a difficult decision.

YJ: I did made a big decision that I'm really regretting a lot now.

HB: I understand

YJ: You do? * Confused *

HB: I understand the feeling of making a decision, that you know you’ll be regretting at the end. The feeling of giving up almost everything just for that person who's really important to you. I also understand the feeling of having to choose. Having to sacrifice for the happiness of someone who you care about.

YJ: Unnie, mianhaeyo~~~ I swear, I didn’t mean too. I Honestly didn’t know.

HB: Why are you saying sorry? You had to do, what you had to do. Right? It was all for your KID.

YJ: But still~~~ unnie I had my own greed and people got involved because of my selfish act.

HB: Don’t worry YJ-ah~~ Remember, your the one that told me before. I would only understand all of this stuff, when I have my own. I didn't really need to have my own to understand it. Just simply having to care about a certain someone so dearly, it can make you give up everything and do everything that you can just for that very person. I know you can get through this, just believe in yourself and think of your kid. He will be the one giving you the strength from now on.

( HB misunderstood what YJ was trying to tell her.. about being greedy.. she never thought that YJ was having her own greed upon wanting HJ back and not only for JY to have a father, but to also having her own selfish feelings included. Now HB is still under the belief of YJ saying all those things in the media just to PROTECT the boys and her kid. While YJ also thought that HB understood her feelings completely. What will this kind of misunderstanding led into? )

Scene: Melanie’s CONDO

Melanie: YJ-ah~~ JY-shi~~~

( Melanie opened the room door and found nobody was inside the room. )

Melanie: Where did they go? OMO~~~ did she left already? Otokie~~ Ugggh, I should have just told her last night. I didn’t want to bother her and the kid while they were resting. I was planning on telling her this morning. Ahhh, YJ-ah~~~ chincha! You always make me go crazy on worrying over you.

Ring Ring Ring

YJ: Yeoboseo?

Melanie: Ya, where are you?

YJ: Sorry, I took your car. I had to go somewhere really important.

Melanie: Did you meet HB unnie already?

YJ: Yeah~~

Melanie: Really?

YJ: Yeah, I’ll tell you later. I’m already on my way.

Melanie: Araso, drive safely. Bye. She sounded like everything went okay? What could have happened with their meeting?

( YJ and the kid arrived at Melanie’s condo. Melanie instantly grabbed YJ by the hand. )

Melanie: Ya~~~ pali pali! Spit it out.

YJ: Why are you being like this?

Melanie: Did you know that my brain almost exploded yesterday.

YJ: Huh?

Melanie: Yeah, because HB unnie actually saw the article scandal on the newspaper. Did you know?

YJ: Yeah, she told.

Melanie: So she’s okay with everything?

YJ: Yeah, she told me that I did what I had to do.

Melanie: Eh? Unnie said that?

YJ: Yeah, she did.

Melanie: Really? I don’t know but something is really not right. But anyways, I’m glad you got to solved everything with unnie already.

YJ: Yeah, I can somehow breath now. I was carrying that since back home. It really feels great to finally having to let it out.

Melanie: Good for you~~ Now, I have to get ready for work. Are you coming in today?

YJ: Ani, not today. I have to go and check for a open condo or an apartment

Melanie: Wae? You know that you can always stay here as long as you want.

YJ: Ya~~ your getting married in like less than 2weeks from now.

Melanie: So? It’s not like my Husband to be doesn’t know you.

YJ: Well, you know that I don’t really know him that much. We rarely see each other, since your husband to be works in the Navy. Oh yeah, he was the one who gave me your car keys, it was really nice of him to make us breakfast, while your butt was still asleep.

Melanie: Of course, that’s why I’m marrying him. Hahaha. He knows that you guys are like my family too.

Melanie Fiancee: Your marrying me because of what?

Melanie: Oh hon. ( Gave him a light kiss )

Melanie Fiancee: I would like to be in you guys conversation, but I have to meet up with my best man.

Melanie: Really?

Melanie Fiancee: Yeah, he called me this morning about his brothers are here and we’re going to have lunch together.

Melanie: Oh really? Okay. Tell him I said HI

Melanie Fiancee: Araso, bye ladies. JY where’s my HI-5

JY: *Hi-5*

Melanie Fiancee: Be good okay? Don’t let the ladies have a hard time.

JY: Ye, annyeongsaeyo

Melanie Fiancee: ( Came back to go kiss Melanie goodbye )

Melanie: Take care~~

YJ: Your so lucky, his a really nice guy.

Melanie: Don’t worry YJ-ah, you’ll find that special guy too.

YJ: Ani~~~ ( Looking at JY ) I found him already ( smiles ) JY-ah~~~ come here

Melanie: WHAT?

YJ: Yup, I did found my special guy and his right here ( Hugging JY tightly )

Scene: Korean BBQ

( Everyone meet up and did their individual greetings with each other. )

HJ’s brother: You guys sure it’s okay to eat out like this?

JM: It’s okay. We are very use to it now.

HJ’ brother: Don’t worry, I’ll go ahead and request for a separate room for us to eat.

KJ: Hyung~~~ you don’t have too

HJ: Yeah, hyung~~~ just let them eat outside.

HJB: Really?

HJ’s brother: Hahaha, seems like you guys haven’t changed a lot. It looks like the maknae still gets bullied.

HJB: Good thing hyung is here to save me. Right?

HJ: Who said his going to save you? You might have forgotten~~ that his brother. I got this character from him.

HJ’s brother: Ya~~ how could you compare me to you.

HJ: Don’t you feel honored? Your being compared with the famous KIM HYUN JOONG

Melanie’s Fiancee: Really, no doubt that you guys are brothers. Eventho this is my first time seeing you HJ-ah, but I already knew you’re his brother.

JM: Foreals tho, you guys are like TWINS!

HJ’s brother: I don't agree. I’m more handsome than this RASCAL!

HJ: *smirk*

Ring Ring Ring…

HJB: Someone’s phone is ringing

HJ’s brother: Oh sorry, it’s mine. Hold on, you guys just go ahead and I’ll just take this call.

Melanie Fiancee: Let’s go guys. Man, this kinda feels different. Being with a famous idol and everything.

KJ: Waeyo? Were normal people too hyung. Don’t be nervous. Hahaha

( Everyone was being seated and the side dishes were being distributed in the table one by one. )

HJ’s brother: Sang Hwan and Lee Hong-shi is coming

Melanie Fiancee: They’re?

HJ: Oh really? I thought his in San Francisco?

Melanie Fiancee: Those guys are really busy now a days. He better come to my wedding.

HJ’s brother: They’re here for a business meeting and I guess it got done early. I told him, to call me right after.

( Sang Hwan and Lee Hong entered the room.. )

HJ’s brother: Oh what do you know, speaking of the devils.

( HJ got up and gave the new comers a warm welcomed hugged. )

HJ: Hyung~~~ long time no see. I heard your a big time business man now.

Sang Hwan: You already know that I had no choice, since I inherited it.

HJ’s brother: Ya~~ we didn't came here to hear your sad fairy tale stories. Hahaha! Oh, Lee Hong-shi~~ how many girlfriends do you have now?

Lee Hong: Hyung, what are you talking about?

Melanie Fiancee: Ya~~ his not like you~~

( Everyone was really getting along and having a fun time, eating and just catching up. The boys has no clue that some of their fans were waiting for them to come out from the restaurant that they were eating at. After all, SS501 were international super start group and Triple S fans can’t be estimated. They have the perfect radar to detect the location of the boys wherever they may be across the world. )

To be continued.


  1. Oh wow...Triple S is now involved !

  2. Yeah, Triple S were OUTSIDE the restaurant! kekeke! Waiting for them to get out.


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